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Confident Faith

Confident Faith

Are you confident in your beliefs?

You can enjoy a robust faith — one you can share with skep­ti­cal fri­ends — by lear­ning the “Twen­ty Arrows of Truth,” inclu­ding evi­dence from sci­ence, logic, histo­ry, archaeo­lo­gy, the Bible, and more. Expe­ri­ence a con­fi­dent faith — today!

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Über die­ses Buch

In Con­fi­dent Faith, Mark Mit­tel­berg assu­res Chris­ti­ans that we can be con­fi­dent in our beliefs. There’s no reason to be timid about what we belie­ve, becau­se our beliefs can stand up to the test. Truth isn’t depen­dent on how a per­son feels or one’s own point of view, as so many assert. On the con­tra­ry, we can deter­mi­ne truth through our five sen­ses, and that truth relia­bly points to a deeper and unseen reality.

Mark walks rea­ders through twen­ty arrows that point towards Chris­ti­an beliefs: from the intri­ca­te design of the uni­ver­se to archaeo­lo­gi­cal pro­ofs, from the con­sis­tent tes­tim­o­ny of chan­ged lives to the relia­bi­li­ty of the anci­ent docu­ments of the Bible. After stu­dy­ing the­se arrows, you’ll put this book down with a rene­wed con­fi­dence in what you belie­ve and why it mat­ters for eternity.

Gen­re: Chris­ti­an Living
Schlag­wort: Recom­men­ded Books
ASIN: 1414329962
ISBN: 9781414329963
This may well be the most important book you read this year!
– Lee Stro­bel, Best­sel­ling aut­hor of The Case For Christ
Marc has emer­ged as a well-reaso­ned voice in the con­ver­sa­ti­on about faith.
– Max Luca­do, Best­sel­ling aut­hor of Grace: More Than We Deser­ve, Grea­ter Than We Imagine
Mark gui­des us into under­stan­ding the importance of kno­wing why we belie­ve what we do.
– Dan Kim­ball, Aut­hor of Adven­tures in Church­land: Fin­ding Jesus in the Mess of Orga­ni­zed Religion
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Texte und Zeichen

Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben …

Jörg Auberg - Writer, critic, editor, publisher