Texte und Zeichen


Writing Fiction for Dummies

Writing Fiction for Dummies

Gen­re: Wri­ting
Schlag­wort: Recom­men­ded Books

The Most Wis­hed For book in the Fic­tion Wri­ting Refe­rence cate­go­ry on Ama­zon is Wri­ting Fic­tion for Dum­mies, the com­ple­te gui­de for wri­ting and sel­ling your novel.

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Designing Web & Mobile Graphics

Designing Web & Mobile Graphics

Gen­re: Web Design
Schlag­wort: Recom­men­ded Books

Desig­ning Web & Mobi­le Gra­phics pro­vi­des foun­da­tio­nal metho­do­lo­gy for opti­mal use of gra­phics that beg­ins with HTML and CSS, and del­ves into the worlds of typo­gra­phy, color, trans­pa­ren­cy, acces­si­bi­li­ty, imagery, and lay­out for opti­mal deli­very on all the dif­fe­rent devices peo­p­le use today.

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A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider

A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider

A coll­ec­tion of over 50 true sto­ries, fic­tion­al short sto­ries, and poems by 37 wri­ters who­se work is distin­gu­is­hed by hones­ty and vul­nerabi­li­ty, com­bi­ned with encou­ra­ge­ment and hope.

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Deadly Straits

Deadly Straits

Gen­re: Thril­ler
Schlag­wort: Recom­men­ded Books

When mari­ne engi­neer and very part-time spook Tom Dugan beco­mes col­la­te­ral dama­ge in the War on Ter­ror, he’s not about to take it lying down. Dead­ly Straits is a non-stop thrill ride, fast-paced, mul­ti­laye­red and gripping.

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The 11 Secrets of Getting Published

The 11 Secrets of Getting Published

Gen­re: Wri­ting
Schlag­wort: Recom­men­ded Books

Learn insi­der secrets of get­ting published! Beco­me an aut­hor. Hold the book of your heart in your hands for the first time.

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Thriving: Trusting God for Life to The Fullest

Thriving: Trusting God for Life to The Fullest

Thri­ving equips you to live the abun­dant life – even in dif­fi­cult cir­cum­s­tances. Chap­ters include prac­ti­cal ques­ti­ons for indi­vi­du­al stu­dy or small group discussion.

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Confident Faith

Confident Faith

You can enjoy a robust faith — one you can share with skep­ti­cal fri­ends — by lear­ning the “Twen­ty Arrows of Truth,” inclu­ding evi­dence from sci­ence, logic, histo­ry, archaeo­lo­gy, the Bible, and more. Expe­ri­ence a con­fi­dent faith — today!

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Flying Solo

Flying Solo

Some­ti­mes the choices we make in life have devas­ta­ting con­se­quen­ces. Based on a true sto­ry, Nora is a 1960s French Cajun house­wi­fe who trains as a pilot. Dyna­mics col­l­i­de when an ili­cit affair pro­du­ces a child and a choice.

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New Yorker Intellektuelle: Eine politisch-kulturelle Geschichte von Aufstieg und Niedergang, 1930–2020
Texte und Zeichen

Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben …

Jörg Auberg - Writer, critic, editor, publisher