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Deadly Straits

Deadly Straits

The Ultimate Terrorist Attack

When mari­ne engi­neer and very part-time spook Tom Dugan beco­mes col­la­te­ral dama­ge in the War on Ter­ror, he’s not about to take it lying down. Dead­ly Straits is a non-stop thrill ride, fast-paced, mul­ti­laye­red and gripping.

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Über die­ses Buch

In the tra­di­ti­on of Clan­cy and Cuss­ler, R.E. McDer­mott deli­vers a thril­ler to rival the mas­ters. When mari­ne engi­neer and very part-time spook Tom Dugan beco­mes col­la­te­ral dama­ge in the War on Ter­ror, he’s not about to take it lying down. Fal­se­ly impli­ca­ted in a hijack­ing, he’s offe­red a chan­ce to clear hims­elf by hel­ping the CIA sna­re their real prey, Dugan’s best fri­end, Lon­don ship owner Alex Kai­ro­uz. Reluc­tant­ly, Dugan agrees to go under­co­ver in Alex’s com­pa­ny, despi­te doubts about his friend’s guilt. Once under­co­ver, Dugan’s stead­fast refu­sal to accept Alex’s guilt puts him at odds not only with his CIA supe­ri­ors, but also with a beau­tiful Bri­tish agent with whom he’s roman­ti­cal­ly invol­ved. When a tan­ker is found adrift near Sin­ga­po­re with a dead crew, and ano­ther explo­des in Pana­ma as Alex lies near death after a sus­pi­cious sui­ci­de attempt, Dugan is framed for the attacks. Out of opti­ons, and con­vin­ced the attacks are pre­lude to an even more devas­ta­ting assault, Dugan elu­des cap­tu­re to fol­low his last lead to Rus­sia, only to be shang­hai­ed as an ‘advi­sor’ to a Rus­si­an Spets­naz unit on a sui­ci­de mis­si­on. Dead­ly Straits is a non-stop thrill ride, from Lon­don streets, to the dry docks of Sin­ga­po­re, to the decks of the tan­kers that feed the world’s thirst for oil, with stops along the way in Pana­ma, Lang­ley, Vir­gi­nia, and Tehe­ran. Rich­ly spi­ced with detail from the author’s 30 years sai­ling, buil­ding, and repai­ring ships world­wi­de, it is, in the words of one review­er, “fast-paced, mul­ti­laye­red and gripping.”

Gen­re: Thril­ler
Schlag­wort: Recom­men­ded Books
ISBN: 9780983741701
A fast-moving thril­ler packed with action and intri­gue.
– Scott Nichol­son, best-sel­ling aut­hor of Liquid Fear
With his debut novel, McDer­mott sets the bar high–very high. This ambi­tious novel will keep you tur­ning the pages to get to the thril­ling con­clu­si­on. This is a tru­ly impres­si­ve first book. I look for­ward to rea­ding more from him.
– Neal Hock, Bookhound’s Den
Inter­na­tio­nal intri­gue in the hands of an expert. With his breathl­ess pacing and pun­chy pro­se, McDer­mott knots a com­pli­ca­ted plot so real it might as well be brea­king news. Dead­ly Straits rava­ges like a cate­go­ry-five hur­ri­ca­ne: unpre­dic­ta­ble, mer­ci­less, and fier­ce.
– L.C. Fio­re, award-win­ning aut­hor of Green Gospel
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Jörg Auberg - Writer, critic, editor, publisher