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Writing Fiction for Dummies

Writing Fiction for Dummies

A complete guide to writing and selling your novel!

The Most Wis­hed For book in the Fic­tion Wri­ting Refe­rence cate­go­ry on Ama­zon is Wri­ting Fic­tion for Dum­mies, the com­ple­te gui­de for wri­ting and sel­ling your novel.

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Über die­ses Buch

So you want to wri­te a novel? Gre­at! That’s a wort­hy goal, no mat­ter what your reason. But don’t sett­le for just wri­ting a novel. Aim high. Wri­te a novel that you intend to sell to a publisher. Wri­ting Fic­tion for Dum­mies is a com­ple­te gui­de desi­gned to coach you every step along the path from begin­ning wri­ter to royal­­ty-ear­­ning aut­hor. Here are some things you’ll learn in Wri­ting Fic­tion for Dummies:

Stra­te­gic Plan­ning: Pin­point whe­re you are on the road­map to publi­ca­ti­on; dis­co­ver what every rea­der despera­te­ly wants from a sto­ry; home in on a mar­ke­ta­ble cate­go­ry; choo­se from among the four most com­mon crea­ti­ve styl­es; and learn the self-mana­ge­­ment methods of pro­fes­sio­nal writers.

Wri­ting Powerful Fic­tion: Con­s­truct a sto­ry world that rings true; crea­te belie­va­ble, unpre­dic­ta­ble cha­rac­ters; build a strong plot with all six lay­ers of com­ple­xi­ty of a modern novel; and infu­se it all with a strong theme.

Self-Editing Your Novel: Psy­cho­ana­ly­ze your cha­rac­ters to bring them ful­ly to life; edit your sto­ry struc­tu­re from the top down; fix bro­ken sce­nes; and polish your action and dialogue.

Fin­ding An Agent and Get­ting Published: Wri­te a query let­ter, a syn­op­sis, and a pro­po­sal; pitch your work to agents and edi­tors wit­hout fear.

Wri­ting Fic­tion For Dum­mies takes you from being a wri­ter to being an aut­hor. It can happen—if you have the talent and per­sis­tence to do what you need to do.

Gen­re: Wri­ting
Schlag­wort: Recom­men­ded Books
ASIN: 0470530707
ISBN: 9780470530702
…an easy-to-fol­low gui­de pro­vi­ding step-by-step ins­truc­tions…
– Wri­ters Forum
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Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben …

Jörg Auberg - Writer, critic, editor, publisher